96574 The Symbolism of Mum


carnation pink two tone  (20)
carnation purple two tone (20)Sending a bouquet of carnations with pearls and a crown to your mother represents your love and gratitude towards her, as well as your appreciation for her precious and noble role in the family. It is not only a beautiful gift, but also a way to express filial piety and thankfulness, allowing your mother to feel your love and care.
Categories: , Tags: , , , Product ID: 4467


– Each stem is unique, so sometimes colors may vary, or we may need to substitute similar flowers to ensure you receive the perfect bouquet!

– Our flowers are sourced from trusted, responsible growers, ensuring top quality.

– You can opt for our carefully selected platform delivery service, with delivery on your specified date.

– We also provide a complimentary greeting card.

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